A. - HandiCup is a small business that operates out of Toronto, Canada. It was invented from necessity by our founder, Chris, who has a C5 C6 spinal cord injury and uses a wheelchair. It lets people with full or limited hand function securely carry & access their drink - 100% of the time.
Q - What’s the value difference of HandiCup from other wheelchair cupholders?
A - HandiCup is the only wheelchair cup holder to mounts on the interior perimeter of your chair. This feature means it never gets knocked off or breaks when going through a door, so when used correctly, you'll never have to buy a wheelchair cup holder again! HandiCup is proudly a Canadian small business.
Q. - Why is it recommended to be mounted between your knees?
A - Anybody who uses a wheelchair knows that the most common place to keep “things” is in your lap - not the best idea when carrying a hot beverage and risk burning your skin. HandiCup solves that with its unique and most commonly accessed mounting location.
Q. - Is it only for wheelchairs?
A. - Absolutely not! It works great on a couch, work truck, your classic car, by the pool, even on a boat! Just check out our FB and IG posts! Or click here for some examples.
Q. - Is HandiCup only available online?
A. - They are now also available in these 4 locations in Ontario, Canada plus one in Miami, Florida!
1. HME Mobility Equipment – North York, Ontario https://www.hmemobility.com/
2. Align Home Health Care – Napanee, Ontario https://alignhomehealthcare.ca/
3. Homestead Oxygen & Medical Supply - Newmarket & Lindsay, Ontario https://www.homesteadoxygen.ca/
4. Wellwise by Shoppers Drug Mart https://shop.wellwise.ca/products/handihelp-handicup?variant=41444249469101
5. Coral Reef Medical Supply - Miami, Florida https://coralreefmedicalsupply.com/
Q. - Is the HandiCup dishwasher safe?
A. - Yes they are! Top shelf only.
Q. - Will they fit on a walker?
A. - Yes! They can fit under the cushion on the Evolution walker and most other models. If your walker has space between the frame and the seat cushion - you’re good to go!
Q. - Do I need tools for installation?
A. - No tools required! Simply lift the seat cushion, slide the handle underneath, and you’re good to go! HandiCup also includes an insert plate which allows you to adjust the size. The insert is designed for smaller coffee cups or mugs.

Q. - Where is the HandiCup made?
A. - HandiCups are proudly made in Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada!